The first group of families are now in Zambia. The process has taken longer than what they thought, these families are the trailblazers. The lady who is in charge of intake at our adoption agency (Faithful Adoption) is over there now helping and meeting the people who will be working with us in the future. She has e-mailed and said that there are many babies yet they are not paper- ready. The agency is now working on the possibility of pre-selection. It will be interesting to see how the details work out by the time Scott and I go.
Also, 1-pray that we will be making good decisions these coming months. 2- Nicole's work will not pay for the time she is away with the baby, she will be looking for on call jobs and a part-time job to cover the money needed for 3 months. Pray, we will not get sick in order to save the time for leaving and that the money will come in!!!
Each of our families are so excited for this new little one to come! We can't wait to play, teach and love this little one. Especially, leading him/her to the Lord! In the mean time we are working on the homestudy paper work and learning more about Zambia.