This past weekend we took a too quick trip to visit Anna and Mom in Columbus, Ohio. Anna is at the Northwestern Children's Hospital to receive a stomach pacemaker. This is the last treatment the Dr.s have to "fix" what is called Delayed Gastric Emptying. The plan was to receive and she did receive the temporary pacemaker this past week to see how it goes before the permanent pacemaker was put in her hip as of today.It has not gone as planned- Anna has had to eat everyday which she was enjoying eating everything! But she would do her normal throwing up every evening- there was no improvement which the Dr. wanted to see SOME improvement. Therefore, the decision was made to not continue with the permanent stomach pacemaker as it would not help her.
This is very discouraging and we all had high hopes for this to work as we have heard many stories of it working for people. The Dr. said they do so much preliminary work- they were so sure it would work, but she is only the 2nd person it has not helped...
We did get to meet a special family there who had just flown in with their daughter with the same diagnosis and plan of treatment. Anna got to meet her- we are hoping it will work for them!
Today the temporary pacemaker was taken out and Mom and Anna will be headed back home soon. We are coming to realize that this was not the answer for Anna but pray that God will inspire a Dr. for more ideas on treatment so that Anna can have a better quality of life and live.